Ultra-fine entity typing (UFET) predicts extremely free-formed types (e.g., president, politician) of a given entity mention (e.g., Joe Biden) in context. State-of-the-art (SOTA) methods use the cross-encoder (CE) based architecture. CE concatenates the mention (and its context) with each type and feeds the pairs into a pretrained language model (PLM) to score their relevance. It brings deeper interaction between mention and types to reach better performance but has to perform N (type set size) forward passes to infer types of a single mention. CE is therefore very slow in inference when the type set is large (e.g., N = 10k for UFET). To this end, we propose to perform entity typing in a recall-expand-filter manner. The recall and expand stages prune the large type set and generate K (K is typically less than 256) most relevant type candidates for each mention. At the filter stage, we use a novel model called MCCE to concurrently encode and score these K candidates in only one forward pass to obtain the final type prediction. We investigate different variants of MCCE and extensive experiments show that MCCE under our paradigm reaches SOTA performance on ultra-fine entity typing and is thousands of times faster than the cross-encoder. We also found MCCE is very effective in fine-grained (130 types) and coarse-grained (9 types) entity typing. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/modelscope/AdaSeq/tree/master/examples/MCCE}.
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Metric-based meta-learning is one of the de facto standards in few-shot learning. It composes of representation learning and metrics calculation designs. Previous works construct class representations in different ways, varying from mean output embedding to covariance and distributions. However, using embeddings in space lacks expressivity and cannot capture class information robustly, while statistical complex modeling poses difficulty to metric designs. In this work, we use tensor fields (``areas'') to model classes from the geometrical perspective for few-shot learning. We present a simple and effective method, dubbed hypersphere prototypes (HyperProto), where class information is represented by hyperspheres with dynamic sizes with two sets of learnable parameters: the hypersphere's center and the radius. Extending from points to areas, hyperspheres are much more expressive than embeddings. Moreover, it is more convenient to perform metric-based classification with hypersphere prototypes than statistical modeling, as we only need to calculate the distance from a data point to the surface of the hypersphere. Following this idea, we also develop two variants of prototypes under other measurements. Extensive experiments and analysis on few-shot learning tasks across NLP and CV and comparison with 20+ competitive baselines demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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开放的领域知识库非常重要。它通常是从百科全书网站中提取的,并广泛用于知识检索系统,问答系统或推荐系统。实际上,关键的挑战是保持最新的知识库。与从百科全书转储中获取所有数据的笨拙获取所有数据不同,可以在避免无效提取的同时扩大知识库的新鲜度,而当前的知识库更新方法通常确定是否需要通过构建预测模型来更新实体。但是,这些方法只能在某些特定字段中定义,由于数据源和数据结构的问题,结果证明是显而易见的偏差。对于开放域知识,用户的查询意图通常是多种多样的,因此我们构建了一个主题感知的图形网络,用于根据用户查询日志进行知识更新。我们的方法可以总结如下:1。通过用户的日志提取实体,然后选择它们作为种子2.刮擦百科全书网站中种子实体的属性,并为每个实体的自我监督构造实体属性图。 3.使用实体属性图来训练GNN实体更新模型,以确定是否需要同步该实体。 4.根据最小编辑时间算法,使用百科全书知识与知识库中的实体匹配和更新过滤的实体。
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Continually learning to segment more and more types of image regions is a desired capability for many intelligent systems. However, such continual semantic segmentation suffers from the same catastrophic forgetting issue as in continual classification learning. While multiple knowledge distillation strategies originally for continual classification have been well adapted to continual semantic segmentation, they only consider transferring old knowledge based on the outputs from one or more layers of deep fully convolutional networks. Different from existing solutions, this study proposes to transfer a new type of information relevant to knowledge, i.e. the relationships between elements (Eg. pixels or small local regions) within each image which can capture both within-class and between-class knowledge. The relationship information can be effectively obtained from the self-attention maps in a Transformer-style segmentation model. Considering that pixels belonging to the same class in each image often share similar visual properties, a class-specific region pooling is applied to provide more efficient relationship information for knowledge transfer. Extensive evaluations on multiple public benchmarks support that the proposed self-attention transfer method can further effectively alleviate the catastrophic forgetting issue, and its flexible combination with one or more widely adopted strategies significantly outperforms state-of-the-art solutions.
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Entity alignment is to find identical entities in different knowledge graphs (KGs) that refer to the same real-world object. Embedding-based entity alignment techniques have been drawing a lot of attention recently because they can help solve the issue of symbolic heterogeneity in different KGs. However, in this paper, we show that the progress made in the past was due to biased and unchallenging evaluation. We highlight two major flaws in existing datasets that favor embedding-based entity alignment techniques, i.e., the isomorphic graph structures in relation triples and the weak heterogeneity in attribute triples. Towards a critical evaluation of embedding-based entity alignment methods, we construct a new dataset with heterogeneous relations and attributes based on event-centric KGs. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate existing popular methods, and find that they fail to achieve promising performance. As a new approach to this difficult problem, we propose a time-aware literal encoder for entity alignment. The dataset and source code are publicly available to foster future research. Our work calls for more effective and practical embedding-based solutions to entity alignment.
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